uvw 3.1.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Nuvwuvw default namespace
 Caddr_info_eventThe addrinfo event
 Casync_eventAsync event
 Casync_handleThe async handle
 CbarrierThe barrier wrapper
 Ccheck_eventCheck event
 Ccheck_handleThe check handle
 Cclose_eventClose event
 CconditionThe condition wrapper
 Cconnect_eventConnect event
 Ccpu_infoCPU information
 Cdata_eventData event
 CemitterEvent emitter base class
 Cend_eventEnd event
 Cerror_eventError event
 Cexit_eventExit event
 Cfile_reqThe file request
 Cfs_eventCommon fs event
 Cfs_event_eventFs event event
 Cfs_event_handleThe fs event handle
 Cfs_helperHelper functions
 Cfs_poll_eventFs pos event
 Cfs_poll_handleThe fs poll handle
 Cfs_reqThe fs request
 Cfs_requestBase class for fs/file request
 Cget_addr_info_reqThe getaddrinfo request
 Cget_name_info_reqThe getnameinfo request
 ChandleHandle base class
 Cidle_eventIdle event
 Cidle_handleThe idle handle
 Cinterface_addressInterface address
 Cipv4The IPv4 tag
 Cipv6The IPv6 tag
 Clisten_eventListen event
 CloopThe loop class
 CmutexThe mutex wrapper
 Cname_info_eventThe nameinfo event
 ConceThe once wrapper
 CoverloadedHelper type for visitors
 Cpasswd_infoUtility class
 Cpipe_handleThe pipe handle
 Cpoll_eventPoll event
 Cpoll_handleThe poll handle
 Cprepare_eventPrepare event
 Cprepare_handleThe prepare handle
 Cprocess_handleThe process handle
 CrequestRequest base class
 CresourceCommon class for almost all the resources available in uvw
 CrwlockThe rwlock wrapper
 CsemaphoreThe semaphore wrapper
 Csend_eventSend event
 Cshared_libThe shared lib class
 Cshutdown_eventShutdown event
 Csignal_eventSignal event
 Csignal_handleThe signal handle
 Csocket_addressAddress representation
 Cstream_handleThe stream handle
 Ctcp_handleThe TCP handle
 CthreadThe thread wrapper
 Cthread_local_storageThe thread local storage wrapper
 Ctimer_eventTimer event
 Ctimer_handleThe timer handle
 Ctty_handleThe tty handle
 Cudp_data_eventUDP data event
 Cudp_handleThe UDP handle
 CutilitiesMiscellaneous utilities
 CosOS dedicated utilities
 Cuts_nameUtility class
 Cuv_typeWrapper class for underlying types
 Cwin_sizeWindows size representation
 Cwork_eventWork event
 Cwork_reqThe work request
 Cwrite_eventWrite event