What are unevaluated operands in C++?

Hello choice trick

Recently I had the opportunity to write an article for a new online magazine, Human Readable. Generally, these kinds of things don’t go public and are only accessible with a subscription. However, the first issue was published for everyone and my article is therefore freely available! [Read More]
Tags: article cpp

ECS back and forth

Part 5 - Sparse sets and sorting

As we have seen with this post, the sparse set is a great tool for decoupling component pools and creating a much more flexible model. Another of the big advantages of using sparse sets, although less obvious, is that of being able to easily sort an entire pool of components... [Read More]
Tags: ecs entt

ECS back and forth

Part 4 - Hierarchies

Hierarchies, both a blessing and a curse for the entity-component-system architectural pattern. One of the first questions that anyone makes when starting to work with an ECS is how to represent hierarchies in this model without ruining the performance. There are several approaches to the problem and what’s the best... [Read More]
Tags: ecs entt