EnTT 3.15.0
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Centt::adjacency_matrix< Category, Allocator >Basic implementation of a directed adjacency matrix
 Centt::adl_meta_pointer_like< Type >Fake ADL based lookup function for meta pointer-like types
 Centt::as_cref_tEmpty class type used to request the as cref policy
 Centt::as_group< Registry >Converts a registry to a group
 Centt::as_is_tEmpty class type used to request the as-is policy
 Centt::as_ref_tEmpty class type used to request the as ref policy
 Centt::as_view< Registry >Converts a registry to a view
 Centt::as_void_tEmpty class type used to request the as void policy
 Centt::basic_any< Len, Align >A SBO friendly, type-safe container for single values of any type
 Centt::basic_common_view< Type, Checked, Get, Exclude >Basic storage view implementation
 Centt::basic_common_view< std::common_type_t< Get::base_type... >, internal::tombstone_check_v< Get... >, sizeof...(Get), sizeof...(Exclude)>
 Centt::basic_continuous_loader< Registry >Utility class for continuous loading
 Centt::basic_dispatcher< Allocator >Basic dispatcher implementation
 Centt::basic_entt_traits< Traits >Common basic entity traits implementation
 Centt::basic_entt_traits< internal::entt_traits< Type > >
 Centt::basic_flow< Allocator >Utility class for creating task graphs
 Centt::basic_group< typename, typename, typename >Group
 Centt::basic_group< owned_t< Owned... >, get_t< Get... >, exclude_t< Exclude... > >Owning group
 Centt::basic_group< owned_t<>, get_t< Get... >, exclude_t< Exclude... > >Non-owning group
 Centt::basic_handle< Registry, Scope >Non-owning handle to an entity
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< Type >General purpose implementation of meta associative container traits
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< dense_map< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< dense_set< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< std::map< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< std::set< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< std::unordered_map< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_associative_container_traits< std::unordered_set< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_sequence_container_traits< Type >General purpose implementation of meta sequence container traits
 Centt::basic_meta_sequence_container_traits< std::array< Type, N > >
 Centt::basic_meta_sequence_container_traits< std::deque< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_sequence_container_traits< std::list< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_meta_sequence_container_traits< std::vector< Args... > >
 Centt::basic_organizer< Registry >Utility class for creating a static task graph
 Centt::basic_registry< Entity, Allocator >Fast and reliable entity-component system
 Centt::basic_runtime_view< Type, Allocator >Generic runtime view
 Centt::basic_scheduler< Delta, Allocator >Cooperative scheduler for processes
 Centt::basic_snapshot< Registry >Utility class to create snapshots from a registry
 Centt::basic_snapshot_loader< Registry >Utility class to restore a snapshot as a whole
 Centt::basic_sparse_set< Entity, Allocator >Sparse set implementation
 Centt::basic_sparse_set< Entity, std::allocator_traits< Allocator >::template rebind_alloc< Entity > >
 Centt::basic_storage_view< Type, Policy >Basic storage view implementation
 Centt::basic_storage_view< Get::base_type, Get::storage_policy >
 Centt::basic_table< Container >Basic table implementation
 Centt::basic_view< typename, typename, typename >View implementation
 Centt::choice_t< N >Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions
 Centt::choice_t< 0 >Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions.
 Centt::component_traits< Type, Entity, typename >Common way to access various properties of components
 Centt::connect_arg_t< auto >Disambiguation tag for constructors and the like
 Centt::connectionConnection class
 Centt::constness_as< To, From >Transcribes the constness of a type to another type
 Centt::constness_as< To, const From >Transcribes the constness of a type to another type.
 Centt::delegate< typename >Basic delegate implementation
 Centt::dense_map< Key, Type, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >Associative container for key-value pairs with unique keys
 Centt::dense_set< Type, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >Associative container for unique objects of a given type
 Centt::directed_tagUndirected graph category tag
 Centt::emitter< Derived, Allocator >General purpose event emitter
 Centt::family<... >Dynamic identifier generator
 Centt::ident< Type >Type integral identifiers
 Centt::identityIdentity function object (waiting for C++20)
 Centt::input_iterator_pointer< Type >Helper type to use as pointer with input iterators
 Centt::insertion_sortFunction object for performing insertion sort
 Centt::iota_iterator< Type >Plain iota iterator (waiting for C++20)
 Centt::iterable_adaptor< It, Sentinel >Utility class to create an iterable object from a pair of iterators
 Centt::locator< Service >Service locator, nothing more
 Centt::member_class< Member >Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function
 Centt::meta_anyOpaque wrapper for values of any type
 Centt::meta_associative_containerProxy object for associative containers
 Centt::meta_associative_container_traits< typename >Traits class template to be specialized to enable support for meta associative containers
 Centt::meta_class_template_tag< class >Utility class to disambiguate class templates
 Centt::meta_ctx_arg_tDisambiguation tag for constructors and the like
 Centt::meta_customOpaque wrapper for user defined data of any type
 Centt::meta_dataOpaque wrapper for data members
 Centt::meta_funcOpaque wrapper for member functions
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor< typename, typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret, Args, Static, Const >Meta function descriptor traits
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret &, std::conditional_t< std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, type_list<>, type_list< Class & > >, !std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, false >
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret, std::conditional_t< std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, type_list< Args... >, type_list< Class &, Args... > >, !std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, false >
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret, std::conditional_t< std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, type_list< Args... >, type_list< const Class &, Args... > >, !std::is_base_of_v< Class, Type >, true >
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret, std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >||std::is_base_of_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >, type_list< Args... >, type_list< MaybeType, Args... > >, !(std::is_same_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >||std::is_base_of_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >), std::is_const_v< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > > &&(std::is_same_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >||std::is_base_of_v< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< MaybeType > >, Type >)>
 Centt::meta_function_descriptor_traits< Ret, type_list<>, true, false >
 Centt::meta_function_helper< Type, Candidate >Meta function helper
 Centt::meta_handleOpaque pointers to instances of any type
 Centt::meta_sequence_containerProxy object for sequence containers
 Centt::meta_sequence_container_traits< typename >Traits class template to be specialized to enable support for meta sequence containers
 Centt::meta_template_traits< typename >Traits class template to be specialized to enable support for meta template information
 Centt::meta_template_traits< Clazz< Args... > >General purpose traits class for generating meta template information
 Centt::meta_typeOpaque wrapper for types
 Centt::monostate< id_type >Minimal implementation of the monostate pattern
 Centt::nth_argument< Index, Candidate >Extracts the n-th argument of a callable type
 Centt::null_tNull object for all identifiers
 Centt::poly_base< Poly >Poly base class used to inject functionalities into concepts
 Centt::poly_inspectorInspector class used to infer the type of the virtual table
 Centt::poly_vtable< Concept, Len, Align >Static virtual table factory
 Centt::process< Derived, Delta >Base class for processes
 Centt::process< process_adaptor< Func, Delta >, Delta >
 Centt::radix_sort< Bit, N >Function object for performing LSD radix sort
 Centt::reactiveEmpty value type for reactive storage types
 Centt::resource< Type >Basic resource handle
 Centt::resource_cache< Type, Loader, Allocator >Basic cache for resources of any type
 Centt::resource_loader< Type >Transparent loader for shared resources
 Centt::scoped_connectionScoped connection class
 Centt::sigh< Type, typename >Unmanaged signal handler
 Centt::sigh_helper<... >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::sigh_helper< Registry >Signal connection helper for registries
 Centt::sink< typename >Sink class
 Centt::std_sortFunction object to wrap std::sort in a class type
 Centt::storage_for< Type, Entity, Allocator >
 Centt::storage_type< Type, Entity, Allocator, typename >Provides a common way to define storage types
 Centt::storage_type< reactive, Entity, Allocator >
 CConcept::template type
 Centt::tombstone_tTombstone object for all identifiers
 Centt::type_hash< Type, typename >Type hash
 Centt::type_identity< Type >Identity type trait
 Centt::type_index< Type, typename >Type sequential identifier
 Centt::type_infoImplementation specific information about a type
 Centt::type_list< Type >A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more
 Centt::type_list< Type... >
 Centt::type_list_cat<... >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::type_list_cat< type_list< Type... > >Concatenates multiple type lists
 Centt::type_list_cat< type_list< Type... >, type_list< Other... >, List... >Concatenates multiple type lists
 Centt::type_list_cat<>Concatenates multiple type lists
 Centt::type_list_contains< List, Type >Provides the member constant value to true if a type list contains a given type, false otherwise
 Centt::type_list_diff<... >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::type_list_diff< type_list< Type... >, type_list< Other... > >Computes the difference between two type lists
 Centt::type_list_element< size_t, typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::type_list_element< 0u, type_list< First, Other... > >Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list
 Centt::type_list_element< Index - 1u, type_list< Other... > >
 Centt::type_list_element< Index, entt::type_list< Type... > >
 Centt::type_list_index< typename, typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::type_list_index< Type, type_list< First, Other... > >Provides compile-time type access to the types of a type list
 Centt::type_list_index< Type, type_list< Type, Other... > >Provides compile-time type access to the types of a type list
 Centt::type_list_index< Type, type_list<> >Provides compile-time type access to the types of a type list
 Centt::type_list_transform< typename, class >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::type_list_transform< exclude_t< Type... >, Op >Applies a given function to an exclude list and generate a new list
 Centt::type_list_transform< get_t< Type... >, Op >Applies a given function to a get list and generate a new list
 Centt::type_list_transform< owned_t< Type... >, Op >Applies a given function to an owned list and generate a new list
 Centt::type_list_transform< type_list< Type... >, Op >Applies a given function to a type list and generate a new list
 Centt::type_list_unique< List >Removes duplicates types from a type list
 Centt::type_name< Type, typename >Type name
 Centt::value_list< Value >A class to use to push around lists of constant values, nothing more
 Centt::value_list_cat<... >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::value_list_cat< value_list< Value... > >Concatenates multiple value lists
 Centt::value_list_cat< value_list< Value... >, value_list< Other... >, List... >Concatenates multiple value lists
 Centt::value_list_cat<>Concatenates multiple value lists
 Centt::value_list_contains< List, Value >Provides the member constant value to true if a value list contains a given value, false otherwise
 Centt::value_list_diff<... >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::value_list_diff< value_list< Value... >, value_list< Other... > >Computes the difference between two value lists
 Centt::value_list_element< size_t, typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::value_list_element< 0u, value_list< Value, Other... > >Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list
 Centt::value_list_element< Index - 1u, value_list< Other... > >
 Centt::value_list_element< Index, entt::value_list< Value... > >
 Centt::value_list_index< auto, typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::value_list_index< Value, value_list< First, Other... > >Provides compile-time type access to the values of a value list
 Centt::value_list_index< Value, value_list< Value, Other... > >Provides compile-time type access to the values of a value list
 Centt::value_list_index< Value, value_list<> >Provides compile-time type access to the values of a value list
 Centt::value_list_unique< typename >Primary template isn't defined on purpose
 Centt::value_list_unique< value_list< Value, Other... > >Removes duplicates values from a value list
 Centt::value_list_unique< value_list<> >Removes duplicates values from a value list
 Centt::basic_organizer< Registry >::vertexVertex type of a task graph defined as an adjacency list
 Centt::y_combinator< Func >Basic implementation of a y-combinator