With my last post I’ve revised the big matrix model and given some hints on pointer stability among the other things.
This time, I want to dig a little further into the sparse set model to describe how we can have pointer stability also in this case.

There are actually many tricks to implement such an useful feature without sacrificing performance or wasting memory unnecessarily.
This post will be an introductory and purely descriptive analysis to get to what is the new and definitive model adopted in EnTT, which I’ll describe in the next post instead.


Pointer stability is a really nice-to-have feature that is often sacrificed when it comes to working with an entity-component-system architecture.
It has many advantages that are worth it in my humble opinion. Among the others:

  • Hierarchies are as trivial and efficient as they can get. No hidden costs, no tricks, just a plain pointer to the parent element and that’s it.

  • Third party libraries integration becomes straightforward, especially with C ones that expect users to allocate objects and provide them to the library itself.

Unfortunately, some models make it especially hard to implement pointer stability, for example archetypes. This is due to the fact that they want to move entities around every time a component is added or removed. In this case, unless you are fine with finding a compromise like introducing a sparse set aside your tables, pointer stability isn’t really an option.
More in general, all models that don’t rely on independent pools are in troubles to support this kind of feature out of the box. On the other side, the big matrix as well as sparse sets are a perfect fit.

We’ve already seen how trivial it is to have pointer stability with the big matrix. Let’s see now what it means to support the same with sparse sets.

Scope of the problem

When working with sparse sets, pointers are usually invalidated in two cases by many implementations:

  • When adding entities and therefore components to pools.
  • When removing entities and therefore components from pools.

At least, these are the functionalities for which users may expect pointer stability. We’ll see how the former is trivial to address while the latter requires some clever tricks instead to get the maximum out of it.
There exist also other operations which invalidate pointers, of course. For example, EnTT allows to sort pools in-place. It goes without saying that all references, pointers and iterators are invalidated when sorting. However, as an user I don’t expect pointers to remain stable if I sort a container and therefore we won’t care about this kind of functionalities.

Component creation

Adding a component can invalidate references if elements are tightly packed in a single chunk of memory. This is pretty intuitive.
As soon as we go out of space, we need to allocate a larger piece of memory and migrate all components from one side to the other. No way a pointer can survive this operation (well, technically speaking it’s somewhat be possible but I wouldn’t rely on this assumption).

To get around reference invalidation as introduced by a reallocation, all we need to do is to paginate the component array.
This can introduce a few extra jumps (the number of which depends on the page size) but all in all their cost during iterations is negligible if not irrelevant at all. On the other side, reallocating is much cheaper and no pointer is invalidated when we run out of space.
The latter is true because moving the components means to only move the pointers to the component pages. This is both cheaper in terms of performance and safer in terms of stability. In other terms, no component will be mistreated anymore.

Component destruction

Having pointer stability during component destruction is trickier instead. What happens in general with sparse sets is that we swap-and-pop the component to remove with the last element in the array. This means that there exists a component somewhere the reference of which is invalidated after this operation.
To get around this problem, we must get rid of the swap operation and just pop. That is, we’ll be literally creating holes in our pools. However, how do we recognize these holes? Is it possible to recycle them later on?

With one of my previous posts (a very old one actually) I described how EnTT embeds both the entity and its version within an identifier.
Moreover, I also explained how this design can be used to create implicit lists of entities within an otherwise uniform vector of identifiers. Let’s see how far we can push this trick now for supporting stable pointers in a sparse set.

Tombstone entity: yay or nay?

The first thing to do is to find a way to recognize our holes. One of the possibilities is to use the null entity as a tombstone entity. However, this has an inherent problem.
From the post linked above, we know that we can use the entity part of an identifier to store the position of the next element of our implicit list. In fact, unless the version occupies half of the size of an identifier (and this would really be a waste), it’s not suitable for the same purpose as well. Therefore, using the null entity to identify tombstones would prevent us from using our nice trick to create a list of holes to recycle.

It goes without saying that this solution has some advantages though. First of all, it doesn’t require us to introduce anything to support pointer stability. We already have all we need to create tombstones. Moreover, it makes deletion trivial and fully thread safe: we can now delete multiple components of the same type in parallel without risking any conflict.
On the other side, there are also some disadvantages. For example, we don’t know where our holes are. In theory, we can make the elements in the sparse array still refer to the holes and recycle them when the entity is re-assigned the same component, though this risks to waste lot of space in the long run and need some syncing that may introduce bugs. The other way around is to search the next hole when needed, even though this could be very expensive more often than not.
All in all, our best bet seems to leave holes there and re-compact pools from time to time, without even trying to re-use them otherwise.

Tombstone version and in-place delete

What if we introduced a tombstone version instead? Also in this case, we can still find tombstones in a pool with a check of the versions. However, this time we can also use the entity parts of our identifiers to construct an implicit list of holes within our list of entities. To do that, we only need to add an extra member to our pool to store aside the position of the first element to recycle.
Concurrent deletion is only slightly more complex to manage but still not a problem. in fact, we can only conflict with other threads when it comes to updating the head of the list of holes during component destruction. An atomic variable gets the job done and will give us enough guarantees in this sense.

Iteration policy

How much the solution above affects iteration performance?

First of all, it’s worth noting that pointer stability isn’t necessarily enabled for all pools. The EnTT library allows to turn it on and off on a per-type basis. This is possible due to the independent pools nature of its design.
This is a must have for this kind of feature. If a type is primarily accessed linearly, it doesn’t make sense to enable pointer stability for it. On the other side, types that are usually queried randomly or that require pointer stability for other reasons (i.e. hierarchy support or because you want to pass them to a third party library that expects stable references) are good candidates for this feature.

Consider now two pools for two different types: T for which pointer stability is enabled and U for which it is not.
If you remember how things are iterated with sparse sets, we usually picks the shortest pool and perform a validity check on the other pool before returning entities (and components). There are two cases here:

  • U leads the iteration. In this case, pointer stability doesn’t affect the performance at all, since we don’t have holes in the pools for U.
  • T leads the iteration. In this case, pointer stability introduces a branch that is meant to recognize and discard tombstones.

In many (likely the vast majority of) cases, this isn’t a problem since the overall cost may still be negligible. However, it may show up in your measurements in some cases, especially if T is linearly iterated very often and/or along hot paths.
This should clearly explain why pointer stability is less worth it when types are primarly accessed linearly. In this case, a tightly packed array without holes performs better without a doubt.
However, my advice is to measure, measure, measure! The number of entities and the type of operation performed on the components could easily hide or overcome the tombstone check. As a true story, I’ve seen very large projects with thousands of entities and components enabling this exact model for all types without observing any relevant change in performance despite everything.

No policy is the best policy

If it’s true that pointer stability is a super nice feature, it’s also true that no policy is the best policy when it comes to iterating entities and components.
Therefore, we can further refine our model and also get rid of the tombstone check. This will bring us to the old, dear model we already know without any additional costs.

However, as this post has already gone on for a long time, I’ll leave this topic to a part 2 that will follow shortly.
To give you some context, EnTT went through more or less all the steps described above, up to the policy based implementation. Only recently I’ve further refined the model in use to eliminate the tombstone check and I’m moving the library towards that solution.

Stay tuned if you want to know more!!

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