More than once I’ve been asked to put built-in support for double buffering or N-buffering in general within EnTT. A patch has also been submitted but it had some inherent problems and could not be merged.
Fortunately double buffering can also be easily implemented on top of a registry and it seems this is already a good way to make it both safe and feature-complete at the same time.

Let’s discuss what are the problem with making it built-in in the registry and how we can develop an external hand-crafted tool in a few steps.


EnTT stores all the components in separate arrays and makes always available a couple (T *, size) for each type of component. Moreover, it doesn’t support multiple pools for the same type.
The registry heavily relies on type erasure techniques to store everything and to support adding different types of components dinamically at runtime. Because of that, it uses a few methods (let’s say a single one for simplicity) to give unique integer identifiers to types. Imagine as if it stored pools for all the types in an array and knew the index to use to access the right pool when needed. This has a lot of pros (it’s easy to guarantee type safety to begin with) but makes almost impossible to literally change the pool for a given type, that is all what you need for double buffering at the end of the day.

So, what can we do to work around this limitation?

A failed attempt

The proposed patch and some other proposals discussed in the gitter channel were quite smart and work to an extent, for some definitions of work. The main problem is that more or less all of them try to exploit an UB that is unlikely to change, but it’s still an UB.

The basic idea is almost always to define two components as derived from a same base class, the type for which we would like to allow double buffering:

struct position { int x; int y; };
struct position_1: position {};
struct position_2: position {};

This way position_1 and position_2 are actually different types (at least from the point of view of the type system) having the same memory layout.
Consider now the following snippet (it isn’t the real code, but it should be far easier to understand):

template<typename T>
struct wrapper { T instance; };

// ...

wrapper<position_1> pos1;
wrapper<position_2> pos2;

void *ptr1 = &pos1;
void *ptr2 = &pos2;

// ...

std::swap(ptr1, ptr2);
auto &ohoh = *static_cast<wrapper<position_1> *>(ptr1);
ohoh.instance.x = 3;

Oh oh. If you compile this code, it works. However, you cannot convert ptr1 to wrapper<position_1> * after the swap, because it points to an instance of wrapper<position_2> and the two instances have nothing in common. In other terms, it’s technically UB.
Why does it work then? Roughly speaking, there is a lot of code out there that relies on the assumption that this kind of cast made between types with the same memory layout just works. No matter if we like it or not. This doesn’t turn it in a valid piece of code anyway and I preferred to avoid offering features based on risky things like this one. In fact, the proposed patch was based on the same assumption, even though the code involved is much more complex than this. The proposal required to change slightly the API to allow swapping silently two pools under the hood, so that a registry would have static_casted an erased pointer originally created for a pool for position_1s to a pool for position_2s.

Groups and built-in solutions

Another problem to face with a built-in solution are groups, in particular owning groups.

When a group owns a type of component, it owns its pool and is allowed to rearrange instances in the pool so as to iterate them as fast as possible. To do that and to reduce to a minimum the number of operations made on a pool when needed, a group stores aside some information to use later. These information are strictly related to the given pool and to the way things are laid out within it (I see it’s not that clear, but an in-depth explanation of how groups work is beyond the purpose of this post). It goes without saying that swapping pools will break the groups that own them, if any.
To be honest, there are some precautions that can be taken to avoid this problem, but they are in charge to the users that should set up specific listeners for the components involved by double buffering. If I was one of those users, I’m pretty sure I would forget it sooner or later and this would lead to subtle bugs hard to track down at runtime.
Definitely error-prone and quite annoying a constraint.

A trivial but working solution

So, how do we achieve the goal in a type-safe manner?
There doesn’t exist a single answer to the question. I’m going to show a possible solution that is built on top of a registry and doesn’t require to change its API. Of course, I won’t describe a full-featured implementation. Instead, I’ll give only some hints to allow those interested in the topic to develop their own solution.

A possible use case is the following one:

buffering<entt::type_list<position_1, position_2>, my_type> executor;

const auto entity = registry.create();
registry.assign<position_1>(entity, ...);
registry.assign<position_2>(entity, ...);
registry.assign<my_type>(entity, ...);, [i](position &pos, my_type &instance) { /* ... */ });
executor.swap();, [i](position &pos, my_type &instance) { /* ... */ });

As above, position_1 and position_2 both derive from position and the latter is the type we want to receive in our lambda. swap will literally change the actual type to get from the registry.
Because it’s not a built-in feature offered by the registry, a sort of accessor helps to make double buffering transparent for the user. We don’t want to have to deal with pointers to members or anything else waiting for us.

The following implementation uses an entt::view under the hood for the sake of simplicity. Probably a good choice is to use groups where components for which we want to set up double buffering (eg position_1 and position_2) are owned types and my_type is a free type. I won’t go in depth on this, mainly because it’s up to you to decide what is worth in your real code.

First of all, we need to separate the types that are involved by the double buffering and those that are not. This is quite easy with a bit of template machinery:

class buffering;

template<typename... Common, typename... Types>
class buffering<entt::type_list<Common...>, Types...> {
    using ident = entt::identifier<Common...>;

    // ...

    std::size_t next{};

Common is a type list we want to iterate somehow. To do that, we need to give sequential identifiers to types. Fortunately, EnTT helps us with its entt::identifier tool. See here for all the details.
Types are the types we want to get other than the one returned because of the double buffering and next is the current index we are working with.

The swap function is straightforward to implement:

void swap() {
    next = (next + 1) % sizeof...(Common);

All what it does is to increment the current index and ensure it wraps around when it reaches sizeof...(Common). We assume in this case that we want to iterate types as if they were in a loop array.

So far, so good. We have still to implement the run function we saw a few lines above. The purpose of this function is to get the right pool (whatever right means in this case), then provide the lambda with a reference to a position and a reference to an instance of my_type.
How to do that? Well, we have an index and a bunch of numeric identifiers for our types. The function implementation should be obvious at this point:

    template<typename Type, typename... Other, typename Func>
    void execute(entt::registry<> &registry, Func &&func) {
        if(next == ident::template type<Type>) {
            registry.view<Type, Types...>().each(std::forward<Func>(func));
        } else {
            if constexpr(sizeof...(Other) == 0) {
            } else {
                execute<Other...>(registry, std::forward<Func>(func));

    template<typename Func>
    void run(entt::registry<> &registry, Func &&func) {
        execute<Common...>(registry, std::forward<Func>(func));

run just forwards the lambda to an internal function that accepts all the types as template arguments and iterates them one at a time to see if they match with the current index. Pretty simple to be honest and nothing of which to worry about.
The execute function is instead the core of the buffering class and it’s simple as well, that is a good news for us. In practice:

  • If the numeric identifier of the i-th type is equal to the current index, we use that type as the first argument of the template parameter list for registry.view and we forward the function directly to view.each.

  • If we didn’t reach the current index yet, we invoke execute recursively. The assert(false) for the last case is just a placeholder for the sake of curiosity, but we can get rid of it because of how swap is defined and everything will continue to work correctly. In fact, we are guaranteed that we won’t reach the assert in any case.

The way execute iterates types is by consuming them one at a time. As you can see from the recursion step, Type isn’t propagated and only the parameter pack Other is unpacked in the template parameter list instead.

That’s all. The double buffering is up and running. Type safe, transparent, easy to use and the class is so small and poor of features that one can easily extend it to add all what is needed without the risk of breaking things.
The sole objection I can see is that we are iterating types each and every time we invoke run. However, consider that sizeof...(Common) is 2 for double buffering and hardly it will get greater than 3 or 4 any time soon. If you’re going to iterate 150k/200k entities, you won’t even notice the impact of run on you loop. If you’re not iterating 150k/200k entities, you shouldn’t even care of this.

Side notes

First of all, note that groups aren’t affected by this solution. They work like a charm and aren’t even aware of double buffering. In fact, we are no longer switching pools here, so private data for groups will remain consistent all the time for obvious reasons.
Views also won’t have any problem with this approach and they are no longer required to do risky casts to invalid types, thus exploiting UB under the hood.

Despite the proposed solution apparently works already without errors, the result could not be the expected one when users forget to attach to an entity all the components for which they want to set up N-buffering (position_1 and position_2 in our example). Similarly, if one of the components is removed, all the others should be removed as well. Otherwise, the set of entities returned after a swap could differ and contain too much components or few than expected.
Fortunately, the registry allows to attach listeners on pools to be notified on construction and destruction of components. To set up an automatism and forget about the dependency problem, you can safely use this technique and do the dirty work inside your listeners. The way to go is straightforward indeed:

  • When one of the components is constructed, assign_or_replace to the same entity all the others.

  • When one of the components is removed, reset all the others for the same entity.

See registry::construction and registry::destruction for that.

A refined solution

A limit of the solution presented above is that the signature of the view is part of the type itself. It would be great if buffering accepted only the types to switch on and the others were passed when calling run.
The revised use case is this:

buffering<position_1, position_2> executor;

const auto entity = registry.create();
registry.assign<position_1>(entity, ...);
registry.assign<position_2>(entity, ...);
registry.assign<my_type>(entity, ...);<my_type>(registry, [i](position &pos, my_type &instance) { /* ... */ });
executor.swap();<my_type>(registry, [i](position &pos, my_type &instance) { /* ... */ });

If it seems that anything changed, consider that you can use your executor for all the types of views now:<my_type>(registry, [i](position &pos, my_type &instance) { /* ... */ });
// ...<another_type>(registry, [i](position &pos, another_type &instance) { /* ... */ });

With the previous implementation, two instances of buffering were required. The problem was that all the instances must be kept in sync probably and this might not be that easy to do.
This revised version gets rid of the problem:

template<typename... Types>
class buffering {
    using ident = entt::identifier<Types...>;

    template<typename Type, typename... Tail, typename... Other, typename Func>
    void execute(entt::type_list<Other...>, entt::registry<> &registry, Func &&func) {
        if(curr == ident::template type<Type>) {
            registry.view<Type, Other...>().each(std::forward<Func>(func));
        } else {
            if constexpr(sizeof...(Tail) == 0) {
            } else {
                execute<Tail...>(entt::type_list<Other...>{}, registry, std::forward<Func>(func));

    template<typename... Other, typename Func>
    void run(entt::registry<> &registry, Func &&func) {
        execute<Types...>(entt::type_list<Other...>{}, registry, std::forward<Func>(func));

    void next() {
        curr = (curr + 1) % sizeof...(Types);

    std::size_t curr{};

No need to walk through the whole class again. As you can see, I just moved parameters from the template parameter list of the class to the one of the run function.


This is a quick & dirty solution to show you an idea I had for the problem of double buffering when it comes to speaking of EnTT. You can also consider this post as a reference to be used for the next time someone will ask me about the topic.
To be honest, we are still discussing in the gitter channel a few other approaches to use to offer built-in support for N-buffering directly from the registry. However, none of the solutions proposed so far has proved worthy of being integrated. Probably we will find the right one sooner or later, but until then you’ve to develop your own solution on top of the registry and this can be a good starting point for that.

In all cases, if you ever had the problem of doing double buffering with EnTT or any other ECS library, this post can help you.

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