Back in 2011, an interesting post about generic, type-safe delegates and events in C++ appeared on the web. Most of the implementations of a delegate class you can find around on GitHub are largely inspired by this article, sometimes with a few changes. Sadly, most of these implementations also stick to the pre-C++11-ish approach of the original version and only few tried to add something more to what is described in the article.

EnTT comes with its own implementation of a delegate class, initially inspired by the post above and lately revised to be more modern (as in modern C++). For a while, it also supported curried functions, data members and lambdas, that are something not even mentioned by the original author. However, they proved to be not that useful in fact. On the other side, they came with some limitations due to the rules of the language that required to pay something in terms of performance to work around their problems. Because of this and some other reasons, I finally decided to simplify down the implementation to what I really needed on a daily basis.

This post still describes the full featured implementation of a delegate. I added a some notes in the conclusion paragraph to mention its limits and to give some hints to deal with them.
Let’s give it a look more in details.


First of all, what are the use cases for such a class? A trivial example is:

void my_func(int) { /* ... */ }

struct my_class {
    void my_member(int) { /* ... */ }

delegate<void(int)> my_delegate;

my_class instance;

So far, so good. Since C++17, noexcept became part of the function definition as well as const. Therefore, we need to find a way to accept all the possible functions, no matter if they are const, non-const or have a noexcept specifier.
Moreover, it would be great to have at least a limited support for curried functions:

void my_func(char, int) { /* ... */ }

delegate<void(int)> my_delegate;

Looks good, doesn’t it? The delegate appears as if its function type was void(int), but I can connect functions with different definitions under certain constraints.
Is it that useful? Indeed. Have you ever used the capture list of a lambda? This is a zero allocation abstraction (much more constrained) of the same concept and it’s useful in a lot of cases in fact.

Finally, I’d like to have also support for data members and lambdas, at least to a certain extent. All of this is possible thanks to a mix of auto template parameters, placement new and type erasure techniques.

Aligned storage is the new void *

If you have ever read the post linked above and you remember how it works, a delegate for a given function type Ret(Args...) had two data members like these:

using proto_fn_type = Ret(void *, Args...);
proto_fn_type *wrapper;
void *instance;

Where wrapper is a pointer to a function used to invoke the original function connected to the delegate and instance contains an erased pointer to the instance on which to invoke the member function if that’s the case.
In order to support curried functions, lambdas and all the others, this is no longer the way to go. An opaque storage area of the right size does the job instead:

using storage_type = std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(void *), alignof(void *)>;
using proto_fn_type = Ret(storage_type &, Args...);
mutable storage_type storage;
proto_fn_type *fn;

This is necessary because we want to use the space reserved for the pointer to store optional values in case the linked function is a free one. After all, the pointer isn’t used in this case and we can freely reuse the storage area as long as the type T of the value to store is such that sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void *). This way we can accept members along with instances on which to invoke them as well as free functions with optional values to provide silently when invoked. Support for lambdas also finds its way in the delegate because of this and it goes without saying that it’s still quite easy to work with free functions that doesn’t have attached parameters.

Fortunately, this doesn’t even defeat the purpose of being type-safe.
In fact, as we will see in the following sections, the erased functions always know how to deal with the storage area and they can correctly cast things back and forth this bunch of bytes without risks.

Member functions and curried functions

In order to connect both a member function and a curried function to a delegate class, a bit of templates are necessary. We cannot just use a simple pointer to function or to member function. The reasons behind this are correctly explained in the original article and it doesn’t worth it to repeat them in details.
To sum up, definitions for pointers to functions differ from those of pointers to member functions. Moreover, we cannot erase them and put everything in an old fashioned void *, because pointers to free functions and member functions aren’t necessarily guaranteed to fit.

For these and some other reasons, what we need at the end of the day is something like the following:

template<auto Candidate, typename Type>
void connect(Type value_or_instance) {
    static_assert(sizeof(Type) <= sizeof(void *));
    static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<Type> and std::is_trivially_destructible_v<Type>);
    static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<Ret, decltype(Candidate), Type &, Args...>);

    new (&storage) Type{value_or_instance};

    fn = [](storage_type &storage, Args... args) -> Ret {
        Type value_or_instance = *reinterpret_cast<Type *>(&storage);
        return std::invoke(Candidate, value_or_instance, args...);

In this case, Candidate is either a member function or a free function. On the other side, Type is either the type of the class to which the member function belongs or the type of the value we want to use to create a curried function. The bunch of static_asserts give us enough guarantees on the nature of the function and that of the parameter.
For the sake of curiosity, we can easily achieve the same result using two functions and a bit of SFINAE, but I don’t think it’s worth it in this case.
Note also that we don’t even care much of the fact that we are dealing with a member function or a curried function because of how std::invoke works. In both cases, this form is just fine for our purposes.

The way it works is indeed straightforward. Put aside the static_asserts, the first line of code copies the value received as an argument into the storage area by means of a placement new. Then, it assigns to fn (the type of which is Ret(*)(storage_type &, Args...)) a lambda that decays to a pointer to function according with the rules of the language. The lambda sees the template parameters list and is in charge of converting back to its original type the value previously put in the storage area so as to literally invoke (as in std::invoke) the Candidate function with the given parameters.
Thanks to std::invoke, this is enough to support both member functions and curried functions. In fact:

  • If Candidate is a member function, value_or_instance is guaranteed to be a pointer to an instance and std::invoke will call it with the given arguments args....
  • If Candidate is a free function, value_or_instance is guaranteed to be at least convertible to the type of its first argument and std::invoke will call it while appending args... to the first parameter.

If you aren’t confident with lambdas and the rules of the language, consider that it’s equivalent to the following snippet:

template<auto Candidate, typename Type>
static Ret proto(storage_type &storage, Args... args) {
    Type value_or_instance = *reinterpret_cast<Type *>(&storage);
    return std::invoke(Candidate, value_or_instance, args...);

template<auto Candidate, typename Type>
void connect(Type value_or_instance) {
    static_assert(sizeof(Type) <= sizeof(void *));
    static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<Type> and std::is_trivially_destructible_v<Type>);
    static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<Ret, decltype(Candidate), Type &, Args...>);

    new (&storage) Type{value_or_instance};
    fn = &proto<Candidate, Type>;

Where proto is a static private function of the delegate class that can be directly converted to a pointer to function.

One of the most interesting aspects of this implementation is that it uses auto as a non-type template parameter to capture the function to invoke. This form is rather convenient because it allows to deal with all the types of functions, no matter if they are const, non-const or has a noexcept specifier. This was exactly our goal.
Without auto, up to four (!!) overloads of connect are required to obtain the same result in C++17 and only for member functions:

template<typename Instance, Ret(Instance:: *Member)(Args...)>
void connect(Instance *instance);

template<typename Instance, Ret(Instance:: *Member)(Args...) const>
void connect(Instance *instance);

template<typename Instance, Ret(Instance:: *Member)(Args...) noexcept>
void connect(Instance *instance);

template<typename Instance, Ret(Instance:: *Member)(Args...) const noexcept>
void connect(Instance *instance);

Not to mention that the syntax at the call site becomes uglier:

my_class instance;
my_delegate.connect<my_class, &my_class::my_member>(&instance);

Even more overloads are necessary to deal also with free functions and curried functions.
C++17 definetely saved us from writing a lot of redundant code.

Data members

Another nice to have feature that works out of the box with the implementation described in the previous section is the support for const and non-const data members. In fact, you can freely connect them to a delegate if required:

struct my_class {
    const int value = 42;

delegate<int()> my_delegate;
my_class instance;

int value = my_delegate();

In this case, the function type of the delegate must be such that the parameter list is empty and the the value of the data member is at least convertible to the return type. Once connected, you can invoke the delegate itself to read the value contained in the data member.

Free functions

What we didn’t manage with the definitions we’ve seen so far are the free functions to which we don’t want to attach parameters.
To do that, we need to define another overload for connect:

template<auto Function>
void connect() {
    static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<Ret, decltype(Function), Args...>);

    new (&storage) void *{nullptr};

    fn = [](storage_type &, Args... args) -> Ret {
        return std::invoke(Function, args...);

It works more or less as its counterpart, but for the fact that the storage area is ignored. In order to use the same pointer to function (namely fn) in both cases, the function type must be the same and that’s why we keep passing the storage area around even if it’s unused.

Lambdas and functors

We said before that it would be really great if we can make the delegate class work also with lambdas. However, we want to avoid allocations if possible and use only the space reserved for the storage area. This is due to the fact that we don’t have instances connected to the delegate in this case.
What is allowed within these constraints is to accept lambdas (and functors in general, so even user defined classes) the size of which fits the one of a void *. In other terms, non-capturing lambdas and lambdas that capture primitive types or pointers should work just fine.

To force users to pass free functions as template parameters, we can use a mix of static_asserts and std::is_class_v trait. Moreover, since we don’t have the chance to explicitly invoke the destructor for these objects (it would require another pointer to function for that, if someone is interested), they must be also trivially destructible.
Here it is an overload of the connect member function that gets the job done:

template<typename Invokable>
void connect(Invokable invokable) {
    static_assert(sizeof(Invokable) < sizeof(void *));
    static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<Ret, Invokable, Args...>);

    new (&storage) Invokable{std::move(invokable)};

    fn = [](storage_type &storage, Args... args) -> Ret {
        Invokable &invokable = *reinterpret_cast<Invokable *>(&storage);
        return std::invoke(invokable, args...);

It doesn’t differ much from what we’ve seen so far and I won’t go in details. What is important is that we can also do this from now on:

delegate<void(int)> my_delegate;
my_delegate.connect([value = my_int_variable](int v) { return v * value; });

It’s not as flexible as an std::function, mainly because of the limitations put on the capture list. However it’s more than enough in a lot of cases and it’s surely another useful tool in our pocket.

A function call operator to rule them all

A delegate is an opaque wrapper for free functions, member and so on. To invoke them, we can introduce a function call operator that accepts the parameters used for the function type of the delegate:

Ret operator()(Args... args) const {
    return fn(storage, args...);

Type erasure is such that there is no way to literally extract the type(s) once erased. All what you can do is to push things down along the chain and expect someone to know how to treat them.
This is exactly the case. The delegate class knows what are the parameters it accepts but it doesn’t know if it has to invoke a free function, a member function or whatever, nor how to treat the storage area. On the other side, the function we assigned to fn has all the required information. Because of that, a delegate has only to forward the storage area and the parameters directly to the erased function stored by fn and return its value, if any.

Constructors and deduction guidelines

Let’s take a closer look at the initial example to see how we defined a delegate and connected a function to it:

delegate<void(int)> my_delegate;

It would nice to do it all at once with a parameter passed directly to the constructor of the delegate. Something like this, where we get rid also of the function type of the delegate and let the class deduce it for itself:

delegate my_delegate{connect_arg_t<&my_func>};

The problem is that we used the auto template parameter to capture all the possible function types. Because of that, we need to exploit some tricks to know what’s the return type and what are the arguments of the function we are going to connect. Otherwise, it would be impossible to deduce the function type used to specialize the delegate itself.

This is quite easy indeed. What we need is to write a function declaration (no definition required) like this:

template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
auto to_function_pointer(Ret(*)(Args...)) -> Ret(*)(Args...);

As you can see, it returns a pointer to a function having type Ret(Args...). Unfortunately we cannot return directly a function type, but we can still use std::remove_pointer_t on the return type to know it:


If you’re trying to figure out why noexcept doesn’t compare in the code above, that’s because Ret(*)(Args...) noexcept (let me say) converts to Ret(*)(Args...), while the other way around doesn’t work. Therefore we don’t care about noexcept and this is enough to deal with all the possible function types.

However, this isn’t enough yet to reach our goal. In fact, we need also to write a deduction guideline to get rid of the function type for the delegate:

template<auto Function>
-> delegate<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(to_function_pointer(Function))>>;

Now we can easily define a constructor that accepts a function to connect:

template<auto Function>
    : delegate{}

Then have delegates deduce their own function types:

delegate my_delegate{connect_arg_t<&my_func>};

And that’s it. Obviously, something similar can also be done for members, curried functions and lambdas. For the sake of brevity, I won’t repeat here the whole process for all of them.


The delegate class offered more functionalities than what we discussed here. However, these are the basic concepts behind its implementation and they show how modern C++ helps us to write less and get more from our code.

This class isn’t intended as a drop-in replacement for an std::function, it’s by far less flexible than a lambda and shares with them some problems (as an example, users must guarantee that the lifetime of an object connected to a delegate overcomes the one of the delegate itself).
However, it has also some advantages over an std::function or a lambda. This is mainly due to the fact that it’s a zero allocation abstraction that has a known type and it makes possible to use a delegate as a data member or as a parameter of a non-template function.

The implementation shown above has also some limits you cannot and should not ignore. In particular, whenever you copy or move a delegate and use the new instance, the behavior is technically undefined. This is due to the fact that an object hasn’t been explicitly constructed in the storage area of the second instance, even if the bytes it contains are exactly the same of the source. Because of that, the reinterpret_cast of the storage area to a specific type doesn’t magically create a type for you and what you obtain isn’t properly an object, at least according to the rules of the standard. Ironically, it behaves as if it’s a valid object, but it is not for the language.
Roughly speaking, it works with all the major compilers, but use it at your own risk. Unlikely it will stop working, because there is a lot of code out there that relies on this assumption and to change this behavior would mean to break a lot of working programs. I don’t think a compiler will ever dare so much, but who knows?
In any case, it’s worth mentioning that the magic is based on a risky assumption. For all those interested in the standardese, here is also an interesting Q/A on SO that goes a bit deeper into the problem.

If you’re interested in the topic, take a look at the full implementation of the delegate class that is part of EnTT or visit the wiki page to know how to use it.

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